WATCHOUT Display Control Protocol

You can control your show using the WATCHOUT Display Control Protocol

Connect for example by using PuTTY


Before you can give any command to the display software (with the exception of the “ping” command), you must specify the authentication level. For example the production interface needs level two. However, in order to control WATCHOUT display software, you only need authentication level 1:

authenticate 1

WATCHOUT responds with a Ready message. You can now send other commands.

Other Commands

Commands & Descriptions

authenticate - Perform authentication. Required only for display software.

delay - Introduces a delay between commands (command file use only).

enableLayerCondTurn - conditional layers on or off.

getStatus - Retrieves name and status of the currently show and its timelines.

gotoControlCue - Jump to the time position of a named Control cue.

gotoTimeJump - to a time position.

halt - Stop running, optionally specifying an auxiliary timeline name.

hitTest - Get information of interactive mediacues.

kill - Stop and deactivate the named auxiliary timeline.

load - Load a show and get ready to run. Parameter syntax differs.

online - Go online or offline. Production software only.

ping - Do-nothing command, causing a Ready feedback message to be sent.

reset - Reset and stop all timelines.

run - Start running, optionally specifying an auxiliary timeline name.

serialPort - Opens a serial port for control protocol use (cluster only).

setInput - Set the value of a named Input, with optional fade-rate in mS.

setInputs - Sets the values of multiple inputs together.

setLogoString - Displays a message on the startup screen.

standBy - Enter/exit standby mode.

timeCodeMode - Activates LTC (SMPTE/EBU) timecode control (cluster only).

wait - Waits for the entire display cluster to become established (cluster only).


Last Updated: 5 jun 2019 08:46