My WATCHOUT 7 licenses are not recognized

After Watchout 7 installation, I am unable to start the program and receive message: WIBUCM46.dll not found. Installation went through successfully, but my WATCHOUT 7 licenses are not recognized in Watchout licenses... window

When you install WATCHOUT 7 make sure to check the Codemeter installer box as this installs the latest CodeMeter drivers.

If you still have issues after that, unplug any WO Licenses, uninstall V6 and try again with V7 and check the CodeMeter box on install.

If after that, you still encounter problems, please try to install CodeMeter Runtime manually. CodeMeter installer is available from Wibu website.
The lowest recommended CodeMeter version is 8.10.

Last Updated: 24 May 2024 11:54