How to update WATCHOUT versions

The process of upgrading versions differs slightly depending on if you are using Dataton hardware or your own home built servers as display servers.

WARNING: The below instructions apply to Dataton Display servers (WATCHPAX / WATCHMAX) updating from an older version 6 to a newer version 6.

Old WATCHPAX / WATCHMAX running version 5.5.x must first upgrade their license via a separate process to support version 6 BEFORE executing the procedure below.

Updating the WATCHOUT software to version 6 on an older Dataton Display servers (WATCHPAX / WATCHMAX) that only supports version 5 will result in a non-functioning unit. 


For Dataton Display servers (WATCHPAX / WATCHMAX) 

Uninstall the current version of WATCHOUT on your WATCHOUT Production computer (PC/laptop).
Then download the latest version of WATCHOUT from our website

Install the new version on your PC / laptop WATCHOUT Production computer.

Once WATCHOUT Production is installed correctly, connect the laptop/production computer to the Dataton Display servers, open WATCHOUT Production on your PC / laptop WATCHOUT Production computer (a new show). In the new show, create at least one display for each server you want to update and assign them - the same way you would to play a show. You will need at least one valid display connected to each Dataton Display server (WATCHPAX / WATCHMAX) for this process. 
Go Online - you will now get a warning saying there is a mismatch in version numbers and a question if you wish to update the Display servers.
Choose Yes and wait for the update to take place. Note: remain hands off and ignore any error messages that may appear during the update process.

The servers will reboot once the update is finished and you will see the splash screen / WATCHOUT logo with the correct WATCHOUT version number.

For non-Dataton Display servers
If you are running on your own hardware, uninstall the current version of WATCHOUT on both the Production computer and the Display servers. Then download the latest version of WATCHOUT from our website . Install the new version individually on both the Production computer and the Display servers.

Please note! If you have created a showfile in a specific version of WATCHOUT and open it up in a higher version it will be saved carrying the higher version number. This means that you may not be able to reopen it again in a lower version. Eg. if you create a show in WATCHOUT 6.2, open it up and save it in version 6.6, and then want to go back to version 6.2 this will not be possible. There is limited backwards compatibility. Thus, always make sure to save a backup of your shows before you upgrade to a newer version.


Q. Why can I not use the WATCHOUT Production software automatic update propagation on the display computers I built?

A. The process of changing a software version while the software is running is a delicate process. Dataton Display servers (WATCHPAX / WATCHMAX) are a locked configuration of the operating system and environment. Under these carefully controlled circumstances we are able to safely accomplish the update from the Production software. 


Updated: August 26, 2020